Silver Business Partners

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We're Aware Super  - Money Magazine's Best and a Canstar Outstanding Value Super Fund for 2023^. As one of Australia’s largest profit-for-members funds, we always remember whose money it is and whose future we're looking after.

For us, that means being super helpful in ways our members want, and sometimes in ways they don't expect. From super returns (With returns of 9.4% p.a.* our High Growth option has beaten the industry average over 10 years) to expert super advice and guidance for right now. We want to help everyone get more from their super, so they can get more for their future.

^ Visit for awards information.
*High Growth option to 31 March 2023 after investment fees and costs and tax on investment income. Top 10 in the SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey SR50 Growth (77-90) Index (46 options) over the period. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Cursive text in blue that reads 'Elastik'

Unlocking student potential through real-time learning gap analysis, elastik revolutionises educational outcomes. By triangulating NAPLAN, PAT, Essential Assessment, and EOI/MOI data, elastik provides detailed insights into student learning gaps in Maths, English and Science.

Designed by teachers for teachers, elastik empowers educators to pinpoint unidentified gaps and address them promptly, saving valuable time and reducing administrative burden.

Elastik's cutting-edge AI writing tool, Writemark, offers real-time marking for typed or hand-written writing activities and provides instant contextual feedback, insights & analytics empowering educators to tailor teaching strategies effectively.

To learn more, head to

Our mission is to be the best school wear supplier in Australia and continue to offer unrivalled service to our customers who are so satisfied with our range, quality, and value that they will choose PSW brands as their first preference, and will comfortably recommend them to others. PSW is in the business of putting smiles on the faces of (parents and) students.

Contact: John Papas on (03) 9768 0333 or visit the website

Teachers Health Fund is the only private health insurance fund exclusively for people in the education community and their families. As the largest industry-based health fund in Australia, with more than 60 years of experience and covering over 270,000 lives, we offer great value health insurance through lower costs and generous benefits. For more information visit our website

Teeth On Wheels is a pioneering mobile dental service in Victoria that is dedicated to providing accessible oral healthcare while transforming people's perception of the dentist. With a fleet of fully equipped dental vans and a team of skilled professionals, they bring dental services directly to schools. By offering a positive dental experience, Teeth On Wheels aims to break down the barriers and fears associated with dental care. Their mission is not only to provide convenient access to dental services but also to create a welcoming environment where patients feel comfortable and empowered to prioritise their oral health. Through education, gentle treatment, and personalised care, Teeth On Wheels is changing people's perception of the dentist, fostering a lifelong commitment to dental care and building a healthier community.

We highly value our partnership with the Victorian Principals Association (VPA) as it enables us to reach a wider network of schools and collaborate with educational leaders committed to the well-being of their students. By working together, we can ensure that oral health is prioritized and integrated into the broader healthcare agenda. The VPA's advocacy and support play a crucial role in our mission to improve dental health outcomes for all Victorians. Through this partnership, Teeth On Wheels and the VPA are not only providing accessible dental care but also transforming the way people perceive and engage with dental services, empowering individuals to embrace oral health as an essential part of their overall well-being.

For more information visit or call us on (03) 9338 1191. 

At Woods, we are protecting our planet and our children's future through our passion for providing a sustainable pathway for generations to come.

We truly believe that everyone needs to contribute to creating a more sustainable world. Protecting the environment is not just a process within our business, it's a way of life. We consider the environmental impact through every part of our business, from renewable energy to harvesting rainwater, partnering with suppliers that share the same values, recycling and waste minimisation.

For more information visit us at